Monday, July 19, 2010

Excerpt up! Open Roads

July 19, 2010

Summer in the Mid-Atlantic region weeds the weak from the strong. If the heat doesn't do you in, the mosquitoes will. It's hot. I won’t even mention it’s tick season except to say be aware of the little bloodsuckers.

I'm a country girl, but even I'm holed up inside with the air conditioning. I didn't used to be this wimpy, but then I used to be younger, too. I feel for all the guys, and gals, who work construction out in this heat.

Quite happily on the writing front, I got the first round edits on Open Roads last night. I haven't actually gone through the document yet, but I did check out the passages I want to use for on my website and get the intro and excerpt posted.

Open Roads is the second story set in the fictional town of Marionville. You can check out the excerpt at

Stay cool!


UPDATE - Open Roads is available at Amazon, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and other online booksellers. 

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