Monday, April 15, 2013

M is for the Men of Marionville

A to Z Blogging Challenge
April 15, 2012
Day 13

It's All About the Books

Today marks the halfway point of the 2013 A to Z Blogging Challenge - whoohoo! It’s full steam ahead to the end from here! Thanks for stopping by Between the Keys and spending part of the challenge with me.

The Men of Marionville. If you’re a regular you probably know I never envisioned A Hard Habit to Break launching a series. Heck, I didn’t want to admit I had a series going for a while. I wanted standalone stories, which is what I wrote. It just works out that previous residents of Marionville provide the introduction for the new characters and the same nightclub and restaurant are places to set some of the scenes. So technically it’s a series.

The character that “anchors” each story is Dylan David Donaghy, or, as his close friends call him, “Dee.” Dylan appears in all the stories because he owns the finest restaurant in Marionville. Where else would you go on a first date when you want to impress a new man? Tyler Phillips of Open Roads also makes appearances throughout the series. Everyone needs a good auto mechanic, and Tyler is your guy. Farther into the series we meet Gale the Veterinarian. I guess when I get back to Marionville, some of the guys will be getting a puppy so Gale can care for it. All this community building takes a little planning, but it’s something I really enjoy. I think that’s how I ended up with a series - having too much fun creating my own community.

Today I’m going to simply refer you to the Men of Marionville page on my website instead of re-listing all the information. The Marionville series is presented in order on that page and the left side banner shows the corresponding paperback compilations.

I’m plotting my return to Marionville for later this year. Amber Allure has a PAX program for the reader and I signed up for one called All Aboard, the premise of the stories being meeting someone of a plane, train, or ship. My book is entitled Station to Station and my fellas meet on a commuter train and take it from there. And since Marionville should have public transportation, why not use the town as the setting?

Yep. This is what happens when you have a series like the Men of Marionville. It gets into your head and you keep trying to find ways to play with the characters you created. Because it’s FUN!

KC Kendricks

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