Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Calm Before the Storm

November 22, 2014

As I begin this entry, it's 6:08 AM and quiet. Well, if you can ignore my old dog's dreaming, that is. His feet are making little rustling noises on the rug as he runs fast and free, something he can no longer do when awake. 

Come Thursday, which is Thanksgiving here in the States, the mad rush to 2015 begins. Come Thursday, the world seems to shift on its axis as people descend into seasonal madness. I'll add my fair share of lunatic energy into the universe, have no fear. But first I want to enjoy the blissful calm before the storm. 

For many, many years I worked with the most hateful, spiteful, jealous little man you can imagine. Part of his problem was that he wasn't actually my boss and he bitterly resented my successes within the company. He had to do his job before I could do mine. He gave me information and I compiled and reported it in various ways. Sounds simple, doesn't it? It should have been. Do the work on Monday and Tuesday and coast for the rest of the week. It IS simple enough but the man lacked proper focus so I spent years scrambling to complete reports, etc. What he really focused on was being an ass. THAT he was good at.

Praise God and a good pension plan he's gone from my work week.  

These days I'm dealing with a young blood. As a Baby Boomer I'm reading all I can about Millennials. This guy never puts his laptop down. He's connected. But let's put aside the fact he turns white if the wi-fi goes down....

This youngster knows how to work. With the days relentlessly marching toward Thanksgiving, I mentioned we could actually double down on a few things and coast through the short week and he seized upon the idea. He stormed his job like Grant took Richmond and the due conclusion of this part of the story is that next week will be a breeze. The work is done. I'm closing the office at noon on Wednesday.

So here I am early on the Saturday before Turkey Day. No headache. No pain in my stomach or ulcers in my mouth from stomach acid. No weight sitting on my chest making it difficult to breathe. It's the weekend before the start of the holiday season and I'm actually looking forward to enjoying the days off. 

Maybe I've finally reached the place in my life when it's not the calm BEFORE the storm. Maybe this time in my life will prove to be the calm AFTER the storm. That would be nice. 


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