Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Kendricks 400 - it's not NASCAR

August 22, 2013

For several weeks I’ve pondered whether or not the 400th blog entry here at Between the Keys should be an auspicious occasion or just ho-hum routine. Now that the day is upon me, I find it’s a bit of both. Blogging about blogging is a bit…what? Redundant? Self-serving? Fun? Ridiculous? Yeah, it’s a bit of all that, too.

It’s been ten years since I first heard of blogging and at first I didn’t think it sounded like anything I’d want to do. Besides, I was too busy writing and learning all I could about this business. But the buzz about it grew until, kicking and screaming, I checked it out.

I don’t remember whose blog it was I read first, but it was interesting. The subject was what had inspired the author to write a particular story. The second blog was about someone’s pet. Hmmm. That wasn’t so bad. I could do that. But instead of doing, I kept reading and learning to get a feel for what made me like a blog. (People who are honest and forthright without being mean to others, in case you’re wondering.)

It took another five years of reading blogs before I got started, and I started small. KC Kendricks was about enter the 2008 Amber Heat Wave Contest and roll the dice. Then I got to blog Surrendered Victory had won. Then the cover arrived, quickly followed by the book, and I had more and more things to blog about. It got easier and easier and pretty soon I was hooked on blogging and here we are at The Kendricks 400.

In the beginning, I viewed Between the Keys as a promotional tool. I needed to get the word out about new books and the blog was the perfect vehicle for that. It didn’t take long for bits and pieces of my life to creep into the posts and I decided that was okay. Like that famous sailor, I am who I am.

These days I blog about anything that strikes my fancy. My dog, the cat, my partner, family - they’re all blog topics (although I beg you do not tell the cat!).  Then it was the A to Z Blogging Challenges. Now that’s fun, let me tell ya. It’s all part and parcel of who I am as a person and a writer.

Silly or serious, this is the life we have right now and we should celebrate each day for what it brings us, even during those low times. Life really is like a highway with twists and turns, hills and valleys and sunshine and shadow. The road is far more exciting with company, so I thank each and every one of you for coming along with me for the ride.


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